Combine Designer Effects

Combine Designer effects

An effect is applied to a selection as soon as you click its preview in the Designer Effects workpane. This means that you can immediately see how the effect changes your selection. If you want to layer one effect on top of another effect, however, you must lock the first effect. Then, when you select another effect from the gallery, it will be applied on top of the previous effect.

If you want to experiment with different combinations of effects, you can layer specific effects to create unique pictures.

  1. On the workspace or in the picture list, select the objects or grouped objects you want to modify.

  2. On the Effects menu, click Designer Effects.

  3. Do one of the following:
  4. Click Lock Effect.

  5. In the gallery, click another effect to apply it to your object.

  6. Do one of the following:

Tip   If you want to modify only part of the object, you can use options on the Cut Out workpane to select the areas you want to change. Ways to select an area